A Life Following Intuitive Guidance: An Interview with Astrologer Kevin Arba

Quick forward from Lance: I am SO Excited to see Village Wellness Growing again! Please give a warm welcome to our brand new Astrologer & Coach Kevin Arba !!! Hope you enjoy the interview! Let us know your thought in the comments below!

This is part of a series of interviews I am conducting with practitioners of holistic medicine with the aim of answering this question: "How can we increase our quality of life?” 

I find that people who are drawn to help others tend to be ignited with a deep passion and purpose. These interviews delve into that drive and aim to discover insight and supply tips for living life to its fullest. 

Kevin Arba is an Astrologer, NLP Practitioner, and Life Coach practicing at Village Wellness on the Main Line, Philadelphia.

Enjoy the interview!

Q: Kevin, what does an Astrology session involve, and how does it help a person go forward?

KEVIN: A first-time client session lasts about 90 minutes. We sit down together and have a conversation about what I see in their chart and how that shows up in their lives. My readings focus on the information that I feel intuitively guided to focus on. That is usually the most prominent component in the chart, but it could be anything. Typically, this leads to an important message or insight will unfold during the reading that deeply resonates with my client.

If there are challenging energies to work with, I share ideas, practices, guidance, or coaching so that my client leaves the reading with “medicine” that they can use to improve the quality of their life.

astrology main line kevin

Q: Kevin, how did you end up helping people in this way? What drew you to astrology? Why did you choose it as your profession?

KEVIN: Well, I was stuck in a pretty dark and depressing state. I was seeking ways to feel better. I began to practice meditation and learn about holistic medicine, including nutrition, energy healing, metaphysics, breathwork, psychic development, deep psychological work, and astrology. I have an insatiable appetite to learn and experience as much as possible in whatever topic I am interested in. As I began to learn and through a series of miracles and synchronicities, my life transformed from a dark, degenerate, and depressing state to a very positive state based on service and personal and spiritual growth.

I feel SO blessed to have experienced the miracles that led me to where I am today. Sharing meaningful information and supporting others on their journey of healing and improving their lives, energizes and inspires me. It is truly my joy to do this work with others.

Ultimately my mission is to promote greater awareness of how consciousness and reality work, so that humanity can awaken to their true nature. I believe that this is a huge part of the solution to the world’s problems.

Q: What are 1-5 healthy habits or lifestyle recommendations you want to offer to the world?


  • Spend as much time as possible outside, in nature and sunlight, moving and interacting with others and with nature in a meaningful and authentic way.

  • Prepare your own food with love

  • Meditate

  • Journal - give your thoughts and feelings a voice

  • Dance and sing as much as possible

Q: Do you have a spiritual practice? If so, what is it?

KEVIN: Yes, I meditate, journal, pray and self facilitate energy sessions. I don’t do any one thing every day for more than a few months, but I do at least one of those things almost every day. I also practice being fully present, breathing fully, and quieting my mind throughout the day, which is a moment-to-moment practice.

I have probably done over 1000 astrology sessions on myself at this point, and I continue to get the message to simplify. I hear over and over “just be here now, let go and trust.”

philadelphia astrology

Q: What does your morning routine look like?

KEVIN: Clean the kitchen, have my coffee, shower, then spend an hour or so with my guides doing whatever practice feels right that day. That could be meditation, journaling, stretching, breathwork, exercise, or energy work.

Q: Kevin, do you have a favorite book? Do you have a favorite book that you gift to others?

That’s a hard one since I have read hundreds and given away quite a few over the years.

Love Without End by Glenda Green, the whole Conversations With God series by Neil Donald Walsh, and Oneness by Rasha were the most meaningful books earlier in my spiritual journey.

Also, The Holographic Universe by Micheal Talbot and anything by Lynne Mctaggart (except her first book) are really cool explorations of metaphysical phenomena that really opened my eyes to how magic our world is.

astrology coaching

Q: What are you currently most passionate about?

KEVIN: I am still fascinated by astrology and continue to learn as much as I can. There seems to be no end to all of the ways it can be used and different methods of finding useful information that is not commonly practiced by most astrologers.

I am also passionate about learning how healing and transformation work so that I can change the patterns that I still struggle with and help others more effectively. So I go back and forth between studying astrology, healing, psychology, shamanism, and coaching. 

kevin arba astrology

Q: What do you like to do in your free time? What do I like to do for fun?

KEVIN: Walking in nature, reading, hanging with my girlfriend or friends and daydreaming is how I spend most of my free time. My favorite activities for fun would be to dance or socialize around a fire with friends.

Learn more or Book an Astrology Coaching Session

Learn more about Kevin

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