Celebrating BIG LOVE - Happy Valentine's Day!

feb 14 2022

Happy Valentines Day!

If you step just to the side of the narrative of Valentine’s day, you’ll find everyone is seeking to honor one of the most unifying and foundational energies in all of creation.

Sure, it’s a Hallmark holiday, and whether you celebrate, tolerate or loathe Valentine's Day it’s a great reminder of Big Love! 

What is Big Love? One of the best explanations I’ve heard was in a conference room with world-renowned quantum physicist, Hans Peter Durr

He was talking about the universe and connectivity.

To demonstrate his take on it all, he passed around a ball of yarn, asking the first participant to hold the end (or the beginning) of the yarn and then pass it to the left, on and on around the room until everyone was holding on to one tiny part of what everyone else was holding on to.

He said this represented the universe.

As it was being unwound and passed from participant to participant he told us to pay close attention to the yarn, really taking it in — all the way down to the tiniest little fuzz. 

Then he had us roll the ball of yarn back up and in his Einstein-like german accent (and I'm paraphrasing),

"So..what’s holding this ball of yarn together? 

The little tiny, seemingly insignificant bits of Fuzz!

What is holding the universe together?

Love! Love is the fuzz that holds life together!”

The Big Love I'm talking about is the tiny fuzz. It’s the stuff that connects all of us no matter our differences. 

Love is the ground we all stand on, the seemingly insignificant matrix which connects us all and is intact in and of itself.

So! On this day take a moment to celebrate the connection to You, Self, Other, our Planet, Cosmos and, yup, Love itself. 

f you need to catch a bit of the fuzz - enjoy this story. It’s guaranteed to warm you up!

Lots of BIG LOVE,


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P.S. Slowly but surely, we are expanding our acupuncture office hours! And, though I am not currently taking new acupuncture clients my AMAMAMAMAMAMAMAMAMZING associates and acupuncturists par excellence, Gabrielle and Carey, now have a little more room to help folks looking to feel better! Do Know anyone that needs some support? Please send them our way! We are ready to help!

Note: As acupuncturists and holistic medicine practitioners our goal is to treat the individual rather than purely the symptom. Symptoms are seen as signals of an underlying imbalance, our aim is to correct that imbalance and thereby bring relief to the symptom. Our patients often express gratitude for our ability to see them as a whole rather than connected parts. (That being said here's what we have the most success helping our patients with - just scroll down the page)

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