The Antidote to Worry

I don't know about you, but living in the Information Age can be at times overwhelming for me. We are immersed in a stream of news, opinions, advertising, social media, email, text messages, besides the fact that we are busy managing daily lives of work, relationships, kids, pets, HOLIDAY stuff, and whatever else. All of this give us a LOT to think about it. and a LOT to worry about. Sometimes the worry gets overwhelming, sometimes even obsessive.

"I WANT THE OBSESSIVE THOUGHTS TO STOP!!!," an acupuncture patient, caught in this upset of overwhelm and worry, reported to me recently.

I had two solutions for him.

One was a powerful acupuncture treatment to release overwhelm from the nervous system, creating space and immediate relief....ahhhhhhh.

The other a reminder of a simple daily practice of gratitude- The Antidote to Worry.

The Antidote to Worry

Each day upon waking, simply take a moment to bring to mind 3 things you are grateful for. They don’t have to be big moments, it can be gratitude for the beating of your heart or the air in your lungs; the feeling of your beloved’s kiss or the beauty of a flower; the sensation of touch or warmth in the winter.

The most important piece to effectively squash the worry, is this: As they come up, bring those grateful thoughts into your heart center and FEEL (or even pretend to feel) that gratitude – it is that felt sense of gratitude that is the true remedy you seek.

This practice is cumulative - it will lead to less overwhelm, worry, and stress and more success, abundance, and joy in your life.

Thank you, Thank you, Thank you.

I am grateful for you.

With a full heart,


Lance IsakovComment